Excursions in Egypt

Your guide in Egypt – Walid Ibrahim

Private Cairo from Sharm El Sheikh


Цена от 175 $

Order for at least 2 people
Duration: on request
Days of the event:Check-out on request

Cost: 175$
Order for at least 2 people

Please note! A visa for visiting any city in Egypt outside the Sinai Peninsula (Hurghada, Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, etc.) must be purchased at the airport immediately upon arrival.

We will choose the best program for you to explore Cairo!

During a pandemic, it is so important to take care of your health and keep your distance from unknown people. And as we have already said, individual excursions are a new trend in tourism that meets expectations one hundred percent.

In addition to the above reasons, there are many advantages of individual travel. For example, you are going on vacation with a large company and want to make a route based on your wishes, and it is very easy and profitable, we will choose the route together with you, our experienced travel administrator will inform you of all the nuances and will fully prepare you for the trip, without giving you a chance to miss interesting locations on your way. The advantages of individual travel are obvious, you don’t have to wait for the whole group to continue the program if you finish lunch faster. You won’t feel uncomfortable with the fact that the whole group is pushing you because you decided to stay longer at a certain location to take a lot of juicy photos. In general, an individual vacation carries a lot of positivity, you can just close your eyes and let the energy of thousands of years pass through you near ancient monuments, and a personal driver and a personal guide will patiently wait on the sidelines. Or you can feel free to ask the tour guide as many questions as you wish. Make up your mind!

You can choose to add anything you want to the program, and our travel admin will create your route as convenient as possible. Among the attractions you can choose:

Cairo National Museum;
Pyramids on the Giza plateau;
Pyramids of Saqqara, Dahshura;
The magnificent palaces of Cairo;
Sights of Islamic Cairo;
Attractions of Coptic Cairo;
And any other directions.

Take it with you:

Original passport, with a visa
Comfortable clothes made of natural fabric, and shoes. In winter, wear warm clothes.;
Sun protection – hat, glasses, cream
Drinking water
Order food for the trip in advance at the reception of your hotel
Money for souvenirs (if necessary).

To book this tour, please specify:

first and last name
contact phone (WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber)
Hotel name and room number
Name and date of the tour
Number of people
Your wishes

Tour name
Your name
Phone number
Number of people
Nationality indicated in the passport
Full name of the hotel
Room number
Departure date for the excursion
Departure time for the excursion
Active phone number for communication WhatsApp\\\\Telegram\\\\Viber
Your wishes
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Название экскурсии
Ваше имя
Номер телефона
Количество человек
Гражданство, указанное в паспорте
Полное название отеля
Номер комнаты
Дата выезда на экскурсию
Время выезда на экскурсию
Действующий номер телефона для связи WhatsAppTelegramViber
Ваши пожелания


Цена от 175 $

Order for at least 2 people
Duration: on request
Days of the event:Check-out on request

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